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10 Quotes to Remember When We Need Motivation

10 Quotes to Remember When You Need Motivation

It’s no secret that motivation is a pretty fickle thing. Some days we have it, some days we don’t. On days when we lack passion or motivation we start wondering “what is wrong with me?” But, that’s normal. It’s actually unrealistic to expect that you’ll be motivated every day. The sooner you realize it, the […]

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What People Need to Know About the Flu

What Everyone Needs to Know About the Flu

At first, the flu and the common cold might look and seem similar, as the Massachusetts Department of Public Health explains. Both conditions are actually respiratory illnesses, and they have similar symptoms. Perhaps, that’s why they are often confused. However, different viruses cause 2 different conditions. What helps people tell the difference is the symptoms. […]

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There are Still Good People in the World

There Are Still Good People in the World

There were times when people were not afraid to leave their doors unlocked. People never got scared if someone knocked on their doors. But, nowadays, many homes are secured with multiple locks, even surveillance cameras. One day, a young mother Melissa Vang got scared when the 18-yeard-old Tyler Opdyke knocked on her door. Melissa was […]

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