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11 Things Strong Women Never Do for a Man

11 Things Strong Women Never Do for a Man

When feeling insecure or being head over heels for someone, we may put someone else’s needs and desires before our own. Although making compromises is normal in relationships, we should know when to stop to prevent losing a part of who we are. Love is the driving force in this universe, but there are certain […]

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What Happens When an Empath Loves a Narcissist

What Happens When an Empath Loves a Narcissist

Empaths and narcissists are two completely opposite personalities, but somehow they tend to attract each other. One would wonder how someone can be attracted to a person that’s so different from them, but that’s how things usually go – opposites attract! Even though that’s normal, the outcome of a relationship between an empath and narcissist […]

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The Little-Known Benefit of Lucid Dreaming

The Little-Known Benefit of Lucid Dreaming

When we fall asleep, something amazing happens to our body and soul – we dream. When we lay down on a pillow, we travel in a sphere of memory within our mind. And, we involve in perfect documentation of the events from our life within our subconsciousness. Even though sometimes the dreams we dream may […]

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How to Stop Absorbing People’s Negative Energy

5 Ways to Stop Absorbing Negative Energy

The capability to feel compassion toward people is named sympathy (1). But, being an empath is more than that (2). It means that besides recognizing emotions in people, also we feel them as if they were ours. People who are strong empathizers absorb a lot of pain and suffering from the surroundings. Because of that, […]

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4 Mindsets That Block Our Happiness

4 Mindsets That Block Your Happiness

“Am I truly happy?” It makes us think right? What we need to know is that happiness is not about circumstances, it is about mindset. To be more precise, our mindset. Although, it does not stand for all people. Some people have to deal with traumatic events and tragic circumstances. However, many people struggle to […]

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