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4 Disadvantages of Being an Empath No One Talks About

4 Dark Sides of Being an Empath No One Talks About

What does it mean to be an empath? Well, it means being able to feel we’re going through the same thing another person is experiencing. These people are highly sensitive and can feel everything, sometimes even too much. They can absorb people’s emotions, both positive and negative. These extraordinary abilities of empaths come naturally. In […]

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5 Things That Stand Between Us and Our Success

5 Things That Stand Between Us and Our Success

One of the crucial things for a happy and successful life is remembering that each person gives value to our life! That’s right; even the worst people can teach us a valuable lesson, while the good ones are making our life better. The point is, our mindset and attitude have a pivotal role in feeling […]

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3 Clever Ways to Deal with Manipulators

3 Clever Ways to Deal with Manipulators

Psychological manipulation is an ambiguous and loaded term. But how many people really understand it? The term refers to the gaslighting, lying, distorting, and dominating emotionally controlling behavior. That behavior is common for people who have hard but close relationships. The manipulators might be our children, parents, or our partners. How to know when you […]

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