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7 Qualities of People Who Prefer to Be Alone

7 Qualities of People Who Prefer to Be Alone

What’s the first thing that comes to our mind when speaking about a person that’s said to be “a loner”? Are we imagining them to be hiding away somewhere plotting their next malicious deed, or maybe sitting in a dark room, all desperate and miserable? If that’s the case, we don’t really know these people. […]

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3 Signs That Someone May Be a Psychopath

3 Signs That Someone Is a Psychopath

What are actual psychopaths really like? They are not people like Hollywood’s most famous psychopaths in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Silence of the Lambs. That’s good news. However, it means that you can’t spot them easily. And, if you think about the fact that one in a hundred people is a psychopath, it’s pretty […]

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