6 Ways to Get The Brain in Creativity Mode

Neuroscience has a connection to creativity. A company called Neuroscape is led by Adam Gazzaley, a photographer, and a neuroscientist. Adam’s company is in the process of FDA approval for technology that helps kids with ADHD improve their attention span.
He discussed with Chase Jarvis (the founder of CreativeLive) the key understanding of neuroscience’s role in improving creativity. Here are the main points of the interview.
1. Promote Creativity
We may not be capable of controlling the ideas coming from creative sessions in our brain, but by understanding how our brain works, we may be able to boost creativity.
With the help of several ideas from neuroscience, creative people can do exercises to boost their creativity and build a habit and an environment where their creativity will bloom.
2. Understand What You Are Good and Bad At
According to Gazzaley, if you want to boost your creativity, you need to learn what you are good at, and what you are bad at. For instance, if you are good at multitasking, you may be unable to do only one thing at the same time.
Or, some may have excellent ideas, but anxiety prevents you from realizing them. Being able to identify your strong and weak sides helps you know what changes you can make.
3. Overcome Your Weaknesses
It is not enough to just learn what your weaknesses are. You need to find a way and steps that can help you overcome them. Begin from the bottom and take your time. Keep in mind that great changes do not happen over one night.
For instance, if you want to do only one task at a time, you need to begin doing only one short task and remove every distraction for one hour or even more.
4. Boredom is Useful
Never being bored is one of the main reasons why people are losing their creativity, as Gazzaley says. Whenever we have some free time, we are using our phones. However, Gazzaley says that in those few minutes when you feel bored, creativity happens.
So, next time when you are waiting in line to get a coffee, do not use your phone but try focusing on the moment, feel the scent of the coffee, and let your ideas come to your mind.
5. Interval Training
People who do fitness know interval training which includes doing bursts of exercise with less work, and then, going back to an intense burst. So, Gazzaley says that the same can be used for cognitive exercises.
You can take short breaks during the creative sessions. But, you should know to use your phone or stare at the TV during those breaks. You can do pushups or some other physical activity. The combination of physical exercise and creative exercise boosts creativity.
6. Mindfulness is Important
Meditation eases anxiety, and mindfulness boosts creativity. To be mindful means to be able to pay attention. For example, you can start simple, pay attention to the food you eat, its taste, its smell, etc.
Or, you can focus on the movements of your body or your breathing while doing some physical exercise. Mindfulness is like meditation that makes you connected to the things around you.
Gazzaley says that you cannot practice mindfulness all the time, but you should do it as often as you can. With the help of photography, Gazzaley became mindful. When he tried to take a photo by letting his emotions guide him, the result was incredible.
But, when he was taking a photo guided by technical rules, the result was not good at all. His nature photography is related to his research lab work. Having control over your mind is very important.
So, leave your phone and enjoy the moment. Focus on your breathing, and observe your surroundings. Let your creativity flow.