Category Archives for "Psychological Facts"

Overthinking is a Good Thing?

Overthinking Is a Good Thing

Some people spend their time overthinking everything. Their thoughts are running wild in their mind. They make many scenarios with possible outcomes and end up all stressed out and worried. Well, they should not worry anymore. According to studies, these people tend to be highly intelligent. (1) Dr. Adam Perkins is an expert in the […]

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“Million-Dollar Smile” on Our Face! Positive Words Can Change Our Brain

Million-Dollar Smile on Your Face! Positive Words Can Change Your Brain

According to the neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg, (1) and the communications expert, Mark Robert Waldman’s book, (2) (it offers conversation strategies to build trust, resolve conflict, and increase intima) the words we use influence our brain function. (3) For instance, by using positive words such as love and peace, we are able to change the way […]

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4 Ways to Manage Anger Peacefully

4 Ways to Manage Anger Peacefully

The best way to manage our anger is to recognize the signs and know when we are becoming angry. We must take the appropriate action and calm down. Learn to deal with the situation positively and calmly. Anger is a normal emotion. Everyone has to experience and express it in a normal way. Anger management […]

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