“Million-Dollar Smile” on Our Face! Positive Words Can Change Our Brain

According to the neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg, (1) and the communications expert, Mark Robert Waldman’s book, (2) (it offers conversation strategies to build trust, resolve conflict, and increase intima) the words we use influence our brain function. (3)
For instance, by using positive words such as love and peace, we are able to change the way our brain functions by enhancing our frontal lobe areas and increasing cognitive reasoning.
We become more motivated if we use positive words more often than negative ones.
On the other hand, by using negative words, we do not allow the production of specific neurochemicals which leads to stress. It is in our nature to worry about things; actually, it is a survival instinct.
And, when we let negative phrases and words into our thoughts, the amygdala (fear center) in the brain increases its function, so we get stress hormones overwhelming our organism.
As a result, our logic and reasoning processes are interrupted, and normal functionality is prevented.
The Most Powerful Word in Your Life
As we mentioned earlier, positive words bring us peace. But, there is one word for each of us that is extremely powerful, and if we meditate on it for several minutes every day, it can have a positive impact on our lives.
Anyway, you need to discover that word by yourself. Do not think of anything now, do not search the Internet. Instead, you can try the next technique:
- Take a piece of paper and a pen;
- Take 30 seconds to yawn;
- Take deep breaths, and relax your entire body;
- Shake your hands and feet for a few seconds;
- Stretch and yawn a few more times.
Do you feel the difference? Well, now, you can close your eyes and ask yourself what your deepest personal value is. Take at least a minute to keep your eyes shut. Listen to your inner voices, and look for a word that is the answer to your deepest personal value.
When we emphasize another part of a sentence, we get another word. So ask yourself again by focusing on the “personal” part. Whatever word comes to your mind, write it down. Then, ask yourself the same question again, and focus on the “value” part.
Write down the words that cross your mind. When you look at the list of words, circle the word that seems like the truest for you. Again, close your eyes and repeat the word aloud and silently.
When you notice what kind of feeling you get, do the same with the other words, and make a comparison. This way you can find your way, and meditating on it can truly change your life positively.
Key Elements of Highly Effective Speech
Some sentences have words that can hardly register in our brains, and many words we say barely register in the listeners’ brains.
According to studies when having a face-to-face conversation, many other things are more important, and the words matter the least. Below, you are going to see a list of the key elements of a highly effective speech. (4)
- Gentle eye contact;
- Generous facial expression;
- Warm tone of voice;
- Expressive body and hand gestures;
- Talking slowly;
- Relaxed position;
- Briefness;
- The words you say.
Good and effective communication happens when we trust the speaker if we do not; then, we will not listen to what they say. So, that is why we begin the conversation with gentle eye contact.
We need to see the listener’s face to see if they are trustworthy. Then, we need to be careful of our facial expressions and the tone of voice we use. They need to be balanced.
For instance, if you want to express sadness, your tone should be monotonic and flat, but to express joy and happiness your tone should be melodic. Moreover, body language and gestures are important because they explain better what we say.
Also, you need to talk slowly and be brief for people to be able to understand you. And, be relaxed because otherwise, if your listeners notice you are stressed, they may think that something is wrong.
Finally, when you have access only to words, such as in written communication, you should use concrete verbs and nouns that are easy for readers’ brains to visualize.
Surprisingly, the way to a better life can be easy; you just need to change the words you utilize.