
5 Great Benefits We Get When We Become a Minimalist

5 Great Benefits We Get When We Become a Minimalist

When we are talking about minimalism, we do not mean living just with one backpack. Having a car, a home, several electronics, and clothes is totally fine.

People who prefer minimalism tend to look at what they have and decide whether they need those items in the present time, without thinking about the future. Some people sell their big houses and move to tiny ones. (1)

Others like to have that extra space in their home by removing things they do not need. However, minimalism is something more than just a living space. Minimalists get many other benefits, including psychological ones.

So, we offer you a list of the benefits you can get if you become a minimalist.

1. Happiness

Well, money does not buy happiness. According to studies, lawyers who earn the least are the happiest. But, there are people who think they can be happier if they have more money. So, while struggling for higher earnings to get more satisfaction in life, people may use the present happiness. (2)

There are other studies that show spending money on experiences instead of possessions leads to happiness that lasts. When people start planning a trip, or other events that is when their joy begins, and it lasts even after the experience. (3)

On the other hand, buying objects is only temporary happiness because people get used to new belongings. (4)

But, people can be happier if they give away money to others. There is another study that says spending money on other people brings joy. (5)

2. Careful Purchasing

By buying things we may not even like, we spend money like water. So, you should check out your closet before you decide to go shopping. You may find things that you have but never used. When you stop spending money on things you do not need, you end up with savings.

Later, those savings may help you do things that can make you truly happy, for instance, you can travel around the world and have exciting experiences.

3. Lower Level of Stress

Since everything is connected, we can conclude that materialistic people who have low self-confidence tend to buy a lot of things. So, that impulsive spending of money leads to stress.

In order to examine the relationship between stress and materialism, researchers studied citizens of Israel who were living for six months under intense Palestinian rocket attacks. People who were materialistically engaged in obsessive shopping suffered post-traumatic stress. (6)

4. More Time for Things You Love

Leading a life as a minimalist also gets you time for stuff you love doing. You do not spend your days feeling overwhelmed with many things and being stressed about how much you have to clean.

So, when you have less stuff in your home, you do not need much time to manage them. As a result, you get more free time to spend with family, friends, meditation, yoga, or just watching movies.

5. Improved Self-Confidence

People who have low self-confidence are related to materialism. This link can be noticed in adolescence. When children become teenagers their self-confidence drops, meanwhile materialism gets on a higher level.

When teenagers are getting closer to finishing high school, their self-esteem rises, and their desire for possessions decreases.

Nonetheless, even adults are affected by materialism. Those people who have low self-esteem prefer materialism. And, materialistic adults usually act like they have a high opinion of themselves which is not the truth.

As you can see becoming a minimalist is a good thing. But, you should keep in mind that minimalism is not the only true way to psychological strength. In fact, minimalism is only one of the things that can make you happier and less stressed.