How Addiction to Mobile Phones Can Impact Kids Development?

Nowadays one thing is certain, technology is everywhere, and it shall stay that way. We have technology in our offices, homes, and schools and it is something that is accessible wherever we are thanks to the smartphone.
Technology has contributed to many positive changes and still does, but just like everything else in life it has its own disadvantages.
Often, the older generations point fingers at the younger generations for being addicted to this technology, but they seem to neglect the fact that older adults and parents as well are no better than the younger generations.
Most adults spend more and more time on their laptops, phones, and tablets. But does anyone stop and think about whether this impacts somehow our development and mental health?
Well, according to one study too much screen time as a parent can have more influence than we thought.
Study on This Topic
The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Illinois State University came to the discovery that the use of heavy digital technology by parents might be linked to child behavior problems.
The findings of this study were published in Child Development in the online issue of May 2017. In this study, the researchers analyzed different surveys which were completed separately by both fathers and mothers from 170 two-parent households.
Fathers and mothers were asked about their use of laptops, smartphones, and tablets and how these devices disrupted their family time.
You need to understand that interruptions might be as simple as checking messages during mealtime, routine activities, conversations, and playtime with their kids.
So, the inevitable question comes: “Can a couple stole moments used to check some messages have a deeper effect?
Although on this topic more research is needed, the study suggests that even normal and low amounts of tech-related interruption were linked with bigger child behavior issues, like whining, oversensitivity, hot tempers, and hyperactivity.
The researchers note that they cannot assume a direct link between the parent’s level of technology use and their children’s behavior. However, they agree that there is a link, especially between a kid and their mom.
The truth is that it is hard to toggle attention between all the vital and attention-grabbing info contained in these devices, with emotional and social info from our kids, and process them effectively together.
Excessive Screen Time and Its Health Effects
It is already known that spending too much time in the virtual world might have detrimental effects on the well-being, and health of kids, teenagers, and adults.
Other negative impacts of spending too much time on our devices are:
- Attention deficit issues;
- Eye and vision health;
- Depression and mental health;
- Sleep issues;
- Increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular health;
- Learning issues and brain development;
- Musculoskeletal issues due to poor posture.
Allowing technology to consume your life can be bad for the emotional, mental, and physical health of the whole family.
So how do we still enjoy the benefits of technology without letting technology get in the way of us having a healthy and happy home? Learn below.
Ways to Protect Your Family and Yourself from Technology and Its Negative Effects
Let’s get one thing clear; technology isn’t bad. However, if you feel that it is beginning to take away from interactions with your kids, then something must change.
You can implement a few rules at your home. For example:
- No phones at lunch;
- Limited screen time for everyone;
- Movie night should be only once a week, and other nights can turn into game nights which can be a fun thing to do as a family;
- Put the phone on airplane mode when there are important interactions.