7 Things About Our Blood Type We Should Know

People have four main blood types which are:
- Agrarian – Type A
- Bavarian – Type B
- Original Hunter – Type O
- The most common and strongest immune system – Type AB
Besides these blood types, there are more than 400 different blood subtypes that depend on the individual’s profile, lifestyle, and health.
Nonetheless, the main blood types have the biggest impact on people’s health.
1. Foods Matching Every Blood Type
- Type A: vegetarian food, fish, yogurt, and chicken. Stay away from spicy food, coffee, dehydration, and legumes.
- Type B: fish, dairy, mutton, tea, grains, and veggies. Avoid loud noise, alcohol, and preservatives.
- Type O: fish, veggies, meat, and fasting. Refrain from processed foods, over-eating, and dairy.
- Type AB: this type can consume almost whatever they want. But, the best foods to eat are fresh and organic foods. They should stay away from processed and cooked foods.
2. Blood Types and Personalities
- Type A: efficient, compassionate, organized, and a leader.
- Type B: friendly, flexible, meditative, and active.
- Type O: attentive, practical, empathetic, and assertive.
- Type AB: strong, rational, innovative, and calm.
3. The Impact of Stress on Blood Types
- Type A: they cannot easily deal with stress. Also, they need time to get better, and they need to stay hydrated to be calm.
- Type B: most of the time they are calm. However, they can have sudden mood swings. So, they should practice some breathing techniques to feel better.
- Type O: they are often angry. But, they have a way of dealing with anger which is imagining every concept.
- Type AB: they have control over stress and can make a balance. Also, they can become angry in no time. They relax by doing any kind of activity.
4. Blood Types and Fat
- Type A: they can eat fats from sugars and meat.
- Type B: may have issues because of eating deep-fried foods and bread.
- Type O: changes in eating habits cause them to gain weight.
- Type AB: inactivity makes them gain weight.
5. Pregnant Women Suffer from Changes in RH Factor
The RH factor is the most appropriate group in the blood system. Moreover, this factor can be RH positive and RH negative.
The RH positive contains the D antigen, but the RH negative does not.
Pregnant women may suffer from:
- The hemolytic illness is dying of the red blood cells.
- Erythroblastosis Fetalis which means making new red blood cells in the fetus.
Furthermore, these problems happen if the blood type of the father does not match the blood type of the mother (one is RH positive, and one is RH negative).
So, this will stop the creation of antibodies from the body of the mother to the fetus.
However, there is an injection that has RH-positive blood which stops the creation of antibodies that may hurt the fetus.
6. Blood Types and Transfusions
- Blood type AB can get blood from every type but can be given just to AB.
- Blood type A can get blood from types A or O but can be given just to A or AB.
- Blood type B can get blood from types B or O but gives just to B or AB.
- Blood type O can get blood only from type O but can give blood to every type.
Also, there are universal donors. They are people with blood type O RH D negative. And, people with AB RH D positive blood type can receive blood from everyone.
7. Plasma Compatibility
- Blood type AB gets plasma from AB and gives it to every blood type.
- Blood type A gets plasma from A and AB but gives just to A and O.
- Blood type B gets plasma from B and AB but gives plasma only to O.
- Blood type O gets plasma from every blood type but gives only to O.
In addition, the O blood type plasma has anti-A and anti-B antibodies. And, blood type AB plasma does not contain any of the two antibodies.
Source: Check These Things