15 Tips to Boost Оur Happiness

15 Science-Based Tips to Boost Your Happiness

Since every individual wants to be happy, researchers have tried to find many ways in which we can improve our well-being. The author Ryan Niemiec wrote an article about proven strategies that can help us boost our happiness. (1)

Below are 15 tips we can use to make ourselves happier.

1. A Letter From Your Future Self

Imagine you are in the future and write a letter to your present self. In the letter write about the happiness and positivity in your life, and your character’s strengths that have got you to realize your dreams.

2. Spend Money on Others in Need

According to professors from the University of British Columbia and the Harvard Business School, spending money on others buys you happiness. Find a friend of yours, or even a stranger that is in need of help, and spent money on them. For example, buy them a meal, or a piece of clothing. (2)

3. Find Your Strengths

Take the VIA Survey and test your five character strengths. Think about and write down (be specific) how you can benefit from using these strengths at work. (3)

4. Trip to the Future

Before bedtime, close your eyes and imagine situations that may happen the following day. And, imagine yourself using your strengths to deal with every event.

5. Funny Things

Also, before you go to bed, think of three funny things that have happened to you the past day and write them down.

6. Mental Subtraction

Imagine you have a life without one of the good things in your life such as health, achievement, good relationship, etc. Write down how your life would look if you did not have that good thing.

7. Lack of Time

Think about and realize how much time you have left till some event in your life such as graduation, surgery, retirement, etc. So, now, you can think about how important and valuable your momentary situation is, and that life is short and beautiful.

8. Everything Happens for a Reason

Even negative events in life happen for a good reason. Think about some moment in your in which a bad event led to a good one. Take time to write about things such as these every day for a week.

9. Find Out Your Lower Character Strengths

According to research, working on your lower strengths while working on your higher strengths is beneficial as well. You should use some of the higher strengths to improve the lower ones. (4)

10. Spend Time On Others

Studies show that helping others improves happiness. This week find time to help three different people in any way you can. No matter if the acts are big or small; you should do things that are not on your schedule. (5)

11. Friends and Family

Studies show that having good relationships with friends and family, even if you are an introvert, makes you happier. On the list of the top five things, people regret before dying is not spending enough time with their family and friends.

So, find the time! Also, according to another study, having meaningful conversations instead of small talk leads to happiness. (6)

12. Be Compassionate

When someone does something you do not like, instead of getting upset, show them compassion. When someone is rude, they may have a bad day or unhappy life. Show them understanding, and be thankful you are not that person. (7)

13. Forgive

Avoiding forgiveness leads to even worse feelings. So, do not let anyone who has let you down, influence your happiness. Also, learn to forgive yourself as well.

14. Do Not Compare Yourself with Others

The only person you should compare yourself to is you. Do not believe that people you see happy on Facebook show their true selves. According to a study from the University of Michigan, Facebook is a reason for our unhappiness because we constantly compare ourselves to others. Focus only on yourself and your life. (8)

15. Be Grateful

According to studies, people who are thankful are happier. So, find some time every night to write down the things you are grateful for. Instead of focusing on the annoying things that someone in your family does, focus on the good things. This way, you can avoid being bothered by meaningless things. (9)

As you can see, the way to happiness is free and not that hard. All you need to do is putting some effort.