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10 Benefits of Deep Sleep (and REM Sleep)

10 Benefits of Deep Sleep (and REM Sleep)

Every night we enter into a deep sleep that has a mysterious nature. Back in the 1930s, Loomis and colleagues discovered the sleep stages. The Circadian rhythm or biological clock controls the sleeping pattern. The brain regulates sleeping through some processes that signal the time when people should take a rest, as well as when […]

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How to Achieve What We Want

Discover The Secret of Artwork To Get What You Want

We all have wishes, desires, and goals in our lives. We tend to spend our lives working hard to make our dreams come true. Sometimes those dreams realize sooner, but sometimes we wait a long time. According to experts, if we pay attention, and use some techniques, we can all achieve the things we want. […]

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How to Beat the Odds After a Tough Childhood

How to Beat the Odds After a Tough Childhood

For those who have gone through a rough childhood; for those who’ve lost hope. How bad does our childhood have to be for us to believe that we’ll have a bad life as an adult? Well, some people study that topic. In fact, that question has been answered by the ACES, i.e., Adverse Childhood Experiences […]

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What Does It Mean If Music Gives Us Goosebumps?

Who has experienced a shiver down their spine or goosebumps while listening to someone’s singing? Well, some researchers believe that that could mean those people have a unique trait. According to Mitchell Colver, the feelings we experience while we are listening to a song are called frisson which is a French term that means aesthetic […]

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