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11 Signs You Are Victim of Gaslighting

11 Signs You Are Victim of Gaslighting

Have you heard about the term “gaslighting”? It is actually a manipulation tactic that is usually used to gain power, and it is a really effective tactic. Probably you have experienced this, or you are experiencing it right now, and you are not even aware of it. To be more precise gaslighting is a tactic […]

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4 Comebacks to People Who Deny Our Happiness

4 Comebacks to People Who Deny Our Happiness

For every single individual who seeks happiness, there is another individual who denies the existence of happiness. Just the word “happiness” triggers people, both on the big plains of philosophy as well on the gut level. The same as every single trigger subject, there are different opinions. Here we will just try to offer support […]

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What is Positive About Being Single?

What Is Positive About Being Single

When single, people are happy. They love the fact that they have the tv remote all for themselves, and they can watch their favorite shows without being judged. They go out to dinners, parties, they are happy where they are in life. They are truly loving life. And then something happens. A lovely couple walking […]

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