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3 Ways Mentally Strong People Handle Spiteful Comments

3 Ways Mentally Strong People Handle Spiteful Comments

A witty comment is welcome among friends, especially because it inspires good humor. But, aggressive comments that hide hatred and anger are spiteful comments. Those cynical comments are definitely something most people won’t want to hear. Like ‘’that dress really suits her’’ while deep down the person saying that really thinks the dress looks ugly […]

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6 Obvious Signs That Someone is Jealous

6 Obvious Signs That Someone Is Jealous

Jealousy is something people cannot escape from. Jealousy is something that all people witness. Often jealousy can be caused by love. However, some people might get jealous of those who are more successful and more beautiful than they are. That is something that is manifested through envy, fear, and worries. It is a feeling that […]

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8 Common Reasons We Feel Bloated All the Time

8 Common Reasons We Feel Bloated All the Time

Many people know the struggle with a bloated stomach. Luckily, when they find out the cause, in most of the cases, bloating is treatable. Often, bloating is uncomfortable, and it makes people lose self-confidence because of the way their body looks. Below is a list of the most usual reasons behind bloating. Insulin resistance Intestinal […]

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6 Signs That Someone is Lying

6 Signs That Someone Is Lying to You

Can we spot when someone is lying? Although it’s ok to tell a white lie from time to time, lying all the time even when not necessary can be a sign we are dealing with a liar. And, if that person is playing the game for too long, we won’t even notice they are lying. […]

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