For Everyone Who Wants to Change Their Life

Our lives are filled with ups and downs, and we cannot avoid them. Many people turn to books or counseling in order to find help to improve their lives. But, they forget that reading and listening is not enough.
In fact, people need to learn how to take things into their own hands. Remember, you are the one who can make a positive change in your life. Also, you are the one who is responsible if you are not happy enough.
Everything is in your own power. So, in this article, we offer you a one-month agenda that can help you change your life. But, as we said, it is not enough just to read, you need to act. Below, you will find a complete guide to make a change in your life.
The First Week: Write a Journal and Determine Your Goals
This first week requires you to get up about half an hour earlier to write several pages in your journal. Whatever comes to your mind, write it down.
In this journal, write about your new purposes and intentions. Also, you can think about some other activities that you would like to do in the future too. Writing things down is extremely beneficial, you will be surprised.
Stay away from electronic devices in the morning. Do not check your phone immediately when you wake up.
The Second Week: Organization of Your Mind, Space, and Diet
You need to organize yourself. Find some time to clean your closet, throw what you do not need and make some space. When you are living in a clean environment, you have a lower anxiety and lower stress. So, you can feel calmer and more peaceful.
Even though it may be hard, you need to remove processed foods from your diet because it is worth it. And, you can include in your diet a green smoothie or a salad.
Choose reading a book or walking before bed. Stay away from the TV. When you make this change, you will feel calmer and better.
The Third Week: Put an End to Friendships That Drag You Down
If you have that one friend that makes you feel bad, you need to stay away from them. Do not see them, and do not make plans with them just because you do not want to be lonely. Having a bad friendship is not a good thing.
Say ‘goodbye’ to unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, or being hooked on TV.
Choose healthy activities such as yoga, hiking, running, swimming and so on. Drink a green tea or green juice instead of coffee and alcohol. You will feel the improvement.
The Fourth Week: Live Your Life as You Have Always Desired
If you want to fulfill your goals, you need to make plans, set dates, and save some money. When you make a plan, like, a short trip, you will feel more motivated to realize it.
Do not spend your time with someone who does not appreciate you. It is not good to be in an unhealthy relationship. So, do not be afraid, and move on.
Do things for yourself. Face everything you fear. You can attend piano lessons, learn a new language, change your hairstyle, and other things that would be challenging for you.
As you can see, most of these things are not difficult, all you need is willingness. Do this 12 simple steps, and in just a month you will see a better version of yourself. Life is about improvements.