Category Archives for "Entertainment"

Is The Youngest Sibling Actually The Funniest?

In news that will no doubt delight younger siblings, a survey from YouGov suggests that they are funnier from their older brothers and sisters. The survey asked participants to rank their sense of humor, responsibility, and other traits in comparisons to their siblings. In the survey, 1,783 participants had to rank their own personality traits. […]

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12 Uses of Baking Soda Every Woman Should Know

12 Uses of Baking Soda Every Woman Should Know

Nowadays in the market, there are many cosmetic products. Some of them are too expensive while others are abundant in questionable ingredients and dangerous chemicals. So, picking the right product can be very hard. That is why many people still turn to natural alternatives such as baking soda. Why baking soda? Well, Dr. Axe has […]

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5 Things Highly Sensitive People Must Have to Be Happy

5 Things Highly Sensitive People Must Have to Be Happy

Those people who process info deeply get impacted by it on a daily basis. These people are known as highly sensitive people, who as a result of processing info intensely experience the world a bit differently. To them, stories of heartbreak and photos of violence can be excruciating. Busy schedules, sudden loud noises, and bright […]

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25 Useful Inventions That Can Make Our Life Easier

25 Weird but Useful Inventions That Can Make Our Life Easier

The world is constantly changing, and people never cease to amaze me. We explore the outer reaches of space, we have Netflix and electric cars, and we’ve discovered the super-Earth LHS 1140b – the best candidate for extraterrestrial life so far. But, sometimes little inventions make everyday life easier. We’ve gathered some of the most […]

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The Best Elderly Joke Ever. Genius!

The Best Elderly Joke Ever. Genius!

In one nursing home, there were three men that were having a conversation about aging. The man who had 60 years, said: “The worst age to be in is 60. We constantly feel like we got to pee, and when we go to the toilet, there is nothing.” “Oh, that is not serious,” claimed the […]

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