Category Archives for "Alternative News"

3 Ways Mentally Strong People Handle Spiteful Comments

3 Ways Mentally Strong People Handle Spiteful Comments

A witty comment is welcome among friends, especially because it inspires good humor. But, aggressive comments that hide hatred and anger are spiteful comments. Those cynical comments are definitely something most people won’t want to hear. Like ‘’that dress really suits her’’ while deep down the person saying that really thinks the dress looks ugly […]

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6 Obvious Signs That Someone is Jealous

6 Obvious Signs That Someone Is Jealous

Jealousy is something people cannot escape from. Jealousy is something that all people witness. Often jealousy can be caused by love. However, some people might get jealous of those who are more successful and more beautiful than they are. That is something that is manifested through envy, fear, and worries. It is a feeling that […]

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5 Signs Someone is Being Fake Nice Person

Is there anyone who doubts some of their friendships? Someone who thinks that their friend is fake? In the beginning, all friendships start out fine, but then we see more in that person, and that more is usually not good. Maybe even at the beginning, we have noticed that they were manipulative towards people in […]

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32 Genius Combinations on Our Keyboard

32 Secret Combinations On Your Keyboard 2

Most people know how to use letters, numbers, and basic punctuation on the computer. But, there are keys (F, FN) on our keyboard that people are afraid to press because we think it will break our computer. So, we are here to inform you that there is a safe way to use those keys and […]

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How to Instantly Defog Car Windows

How To Instantly Defog Car Windows

People who live in places with cold weather know the problem of foggy windows. When we get in our car in the morning and prepare to drive, suddenly we cannot see anything because of the fog on our windows. And, we cannot drive till the fog is gone. Usually, we would wait for the fog […]

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