Category Archives for "Alternative News"

A Potentially Habitable Planet Discovered?

It’s amazing! According to researchers, there is a second Earth in the Proxima Centauri System. Researchers think that the planet has oceans just like our planet, and it may even have aliens living there. Even though there were numerous planets revealed in the Universe, there is no planet like Proxima B. As it has been […]

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Horses Can Read Human Facial Expressions?

Interesting: Horses Notice When You Are Happy Or Angry, Studies Say

For over 5,000 years, people have been living and working with the help of horses. Primitive bridles in the north part of Kazakhstan wore down the teeth of the first domesticated horses.(1) Without the help of horses to pull carriages, haul plough, carry messages of war and love, and march soldiers we would not have […]

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