Category Archives for "Alternative News"

Elderberry Health Benefits

Elderberry Can Help Treat the Flu, Strengthen Immunity and Prevent Colds, Scientists Say

Elderberry is native to parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It has been known to man ever since the prehistoric era in ancient Egypt. People have found out that elderberry can be used as natural medicine. Sambucus is actually a genus of flowering plants from the family Adocaxeae, and the flowers and berries are the […]

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How Narcissists See Themselves – Inside Their Mind

How Narcissists See Themselves - Inside Their Mind

Narcissists according to the psychiatric literature are defined as people with possessing traits like needing excessive admiration and having a sense of entitlement. However, how narcissists are really like on a daily basis? We are here to help people get inside the mind of a narcissist. Anyone who has worked for a narcissist or has […]

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23 Inspiring Quotes About Life from Famous People

23 Inspiring Quotes About Life from Famous People

A lot of people keep positive and motivational quotes around their house and on their office desk. Sounds familiar? That’s because these quotes can serve as a good push to get through the day. Life might become overwhelming and tiring. Therefore any words of inspiration and wisdom are more than welcome. Throughout history, many famous […]

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