Author Archives: GaBi

5 Exercises That Will Help Reshape Our Body

5 Exercises That Will Help Reshape Our Body

Exercising on a regular basis and consuming healthy foods is very important for our health. Many studies show that eating healthy foods makes our life happier. However, exercising is of great importance just like foods rich in nutrients. Here, we offer 5 effective exercises that will help people get closer to the body they want. […]

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Little Known Health Benefits of Cilantro

Little Known Health Benefits of Cilantro

Nowadays, we are exposed to heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, and aluminum which are hazardous for our health. (1) We can find heavy metals everywhere, and the sad thing is that our skin absorbs them easily. When these heavy metals get in our body they are really hard to get out, so shortly, they […]

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A Christmas-Themed Puzzle! See The Panda?

A Christmas-Themed Puzzle! Can You Spot The Panda?

The illustration went viral after leaving everyone confused. Gregerly Dudas is a Hungarian artist who made the drawing with a Christmas theme and shared it on his profile. Gregerly informed his followers that among the numerous Christmassy snowmen there is a panda. He asked them if they were able to see it. Thousands of people […]

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