5 Things Narcissists Do to Be the Center of Attention

5 Things Narcissists Do to Get Attention

Narcissists are not just cocky; they do not possess empathy for other people. But, they do have an extreme need for attention and admiration. They believe they are the center of the whole world.

They think they are the number one on the list of priorities. Since narcissists feel like they are the most important thing, they always emphasize everything. When they accomplish something, they expect you to admire them.

They think they are more important and better than other people. So, you may have friends or a partner who is a narcissist. However, it is not easy to notice them. They are good at manipulation, so it will take you some time till you see their true self. (1)

Moreover, narcissists are acting arrogantly because they do not possess empathy towards other people. But, they can hide their attitude whenever they like.

Their excellent skills of manipulation help them always to be the “victim” in a situation, blame others, and lie to people.

How to Recognize a Narcissist?

1. Put the Blame on Others

Narcissists do not admit when it is their fault. When it happens to be their fault, they become defensive and blame the others. They will continue asking questions, and put words into your mouth till you begin doubting it is your fault.

And, when it happens for you to defend yourself, they will say things such as “You are irresponsible for your actions.”

2. They Interrupt You

Well, as you know, the world revolves around narcissists. When they are not involved in some conversation, they will interrupt, and they will turn the attention to them. Since they do not care about other people; they do not like listening to anyone.

They adore being the ones who lead the conversation while talking only about their achievements. And, if there is a person that does not take part in the conversation, they feel threatened.

3. Intimidate

Narcissists like to manipulate and make other people feel intimidated and confused. When these other people feel that way, they end up agreeing with whatever the narcissist wants them to. They tend to bully a person till the person surrenders.

They want to win at everything, and when they lose, they act like they are greatly competitive. Of course, they do not like losing at all.

4. Tend to Play a Victim

Even though narcissists are excellent manipulators, they tend to play the victim to prevent you from realizing that. They often seem charming and appealing, which is why it is hard to notice their narcissism.

Also, they utilize empathy and take advantage of people to get whatever they desire. When it happens for them to hurt someone, they immediately blame others and play a victim.

5. Do Not Have Boundaries

Narcissists are like 2-year-olds. They think that everything is in their possession, everyone feels like they feel, and everyone has the same desire as they do. When someone says “no” to them, they are shocked, as well as insulted.

They will always find a way to get what they want from you by making sad faces, demanding, being persistent, etc.