Complaining is Terrible for Us?

Science Says Stop Complaining, It Is Not Good For Your Health

Every now and then, we all complain. But, why do we do that? Of course, we are not doing it only to torture people. Actually, when we complain, that is like a ventilator for us. We need to express how we feel in order to feel better.

Nonetheless, science says that there are negative sides to complaining. First of all, it does not make us feel better, and second of all, the listener is feeling worse. According to Jeffrey Lohr, a psychologist, complaining is like farting in a closed area – not a good idea.

Being bad for you and those who listen to you is not the only reason why complaining is bad. Science says that negativity is not good for your overall health and your brain.

Steven Parton is a student of human nature and an author on Psych Pedia. He says that complaining is bad for your brain, but also it has negative consequences for your mental health. In fact, he claims that complaining can be fatal.

So, Parton explains the three ways in which complaining is not a good idea.

1. Thinking Negatively Makes You Pessimistic

Our brain has a collection of synapses that are divided by a synaptic cleft which is a space. When we have some thought, a synapse sends a chemical to the cleft of some other synapse. In this way, it is building a bridge.

So, an electric signal can cross over this bridge while carrying the information you are thinking about. Furthermore, Parton explains that each time when an electrical charge is provoked, the synapses get closer to lower the distance that the electrical charge needs to pass.

The brain is changing itself so the thought would be easier to trigger. When you have a thought, it is easier to have the same thought again.

This is not good news because when you are thinking negative thoughts, then, you are prone to thinking even more negative thoughts. Steven Parton says that negative thoughts make you more pessimistic.

When you need to form a thought, the thought that has less distance to pass wins. That means that if you think negatively, then you will think negatively even more.

2. The People Around You Have Influence

Thinking negatively makes your brain think all the time negatively But, also, the negative people in your life have the same influence.

Parton explains that people when you see someone who is experiencing sadness, anger, happiness, and so on, our brain tries to ‘feel’ the same emotion in order to understand how that individual feels.

Actually, this is empathy. Well, if you want to think positively, you need to hang out with people who are happy and positively rewire your brain.

3. Stress is Bad

Although Parton says that negativity is bad for your mental health that is not the only flaw. He says that thinking negatively is not good for your physical habit too. In fact, our immune system gets weaker when we are constantly angry and negative.

Also, we increase blood pressure, so we put ourselves at risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc. The one who is guilty about this is the cortisol. Having negative thoughts releases cortisol, and everything becomes worse.

And, that interferes with your memory and learning besides other things. As you can see, being constantly negative and complaining about everything does not do anything good for you. Make sure to look more on the bright side of life.