8 Signs to Recognize a Fake Nice Person

8 Signs to Recognize a Fake Nice Person

In life we meet different kinds of people, some are good, some are bad. It is not easy to find out which ones are real and which ones are fake. In fact, it takes time to see the real personality of someone new we meet. But, today we’ll focus on fake nice people.

With fake people, at first, we have endless chats about everything. You share your deepest secrets, but then, they expose you and talk behind your back. Even though you think of them as nice people, in the end, they turn out to be toxic. Probably, you have had a fake friend in your life.

And, we know that friendships are of great importance, and we should cherish them, but we need to know how to make a distinction between fake and real friends to keep ourselves safe from destruction.

Below is a list that can help you notice that someone is a real friend to you.

  • They spend time with you – Even though being too busy, they always find some time to spend it with you. After a long tiring day, they will hang out with you for some time. These are real friends.
  • They accept you as you are – If you are the one who is too loud, or dances crazy, they will accept you. In fact, a real person will always accept you with all of your positive and negative sides.
  • They keep in touch – Being in a long-distance friendship will not stop them from keeping in touch with you. They will send you texts, call you, send you pictures, etc.
  • They forgive and forget – Since we are all human begins, we all make mistakes. A person that is a good friend will always forgive you and correct you if there is a need. While on the other hand, a fake nice person will mention your faults whenever they get a chance.
  • Accept your choices and decisions – Real friends will always accept your choices and decision, and they will never criticize you. They will support you and everything you do in life.

But knowing who are real friends is not enough. So, here is a list of things you can spot in a fake friend.

1. Gossiping is Their Priority

They want to hang out with you to gossip about other people. And, when they do this, they may be doing the same with other people, but then, you would be the main topic.

2. They Want to Be Your Priority

Even though they would not do the same, fake friend will want you to put them on the top of your priority list. They want to feel important. They need to be the center of your world, and if it is not as they wish, they get angry.

3. They Are Sarcastic

They want to get from you whatever they want, but when they do not succeed, they may use sarcasm in order to insult you. By making you feel bad, they feel better.

4. They See You as a Competition

These people see everything as a competition. They think they are better than you. Actually, they think they are the best at everything. Also, they will always try to win at everything no matter what! Be careful because they may hurt you.

5. They Will Often Disappoint You

In the beginning, these so-called “friends” will make many plans and promises, but in the end, they will let you down. And, when you try to find a way to talk with them about the situation, they may verbally insult you.

6. Respect Powerful People

While real people respect everyone, fake ones respect only powerful people. And, the reason behind this is because they can use them. If you notice they are nice to people that are not powerful, that is because they have some hidden agenda.

7. Attention Seekers

These people are simply desperate for attention. They would do whatever it takes to be in the spotlight. Often, they may use lies in order to make themselves look better.

8. They Brag About Their Achievements

If someone cannot be quiet about their own achievement, and continuously brags about how successful they are, then, they are for sure fake nice people. They simply cannot wait to succeed in something in order to talk about it day and night.

Now you know how to recognize a fake nice person. We hope you would be careful next time when you meet someone new.

How to Deal With Fake People

First of all, you need to understand that whenever you meet someone you do not like, you can avoid them. Or, if you already have someone who you consider as fake, you can limit your time with them.

Then, you should control yourself when you are faced with fake behavior. When the person has an annoying behavior, you should be careful not to “explode” every time you are with them. Except, when they insult, you can show them their place.

Moreover, you may try finding out what is the reason behind someone’s bad behavior. When you reveal what makes them act that way, it may be easier for you to deal with them.

Remember that you need to stop sharing your secrets with them. Since they are impatient to learn something about you in order to expose you, you need to be cautious. So, when you do not expose your deepest secrets, they may try to find other ways to get them.

Also, you can show them that you prefer and you are grateful to have genuine people in your life. You can tell them that having really good people in your life is what makes you happy. Maybe they will change their behavior.

In the end, if you have had a fake friend, and you feel bad when you revealed they are not what you thought, you can make some new friends. Keep in mind that having a fake friend does not mean that you will never find a real one. The world is big!