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7 Life Lessons We Can Only Learn by Failing

7 Life Lessons We Can Only Learn by Failing!

Each of us should be honest and think about the way we see failure. Do we see it as the worst thing that could happen to us, or as something that will motivate us even more to succeed? Even though the latter is the more reasonable answer, it’s usually the first one, isn’t it? And, […]

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A Letter from a Narcissist On How They See Love

A Letter from a Narcissist On How They See Love

Some people say they love their partner with the three-word phrase we all know without really meaning it. Usually, they are those people who aren’t able to love anyone else other than themselves. Sounds familiar? Surely you have encountered such a toxic person at least once in your life. The definition of love for these […]

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3 Signs Someone is Surrounded by Toxic People

3 Signs You Are Not Depressed But Only Surrounded by Toxic People

How to know if someone is depressed? Well, in a world full of stress and fake friendships, depression and anxiety are nothing new. But, even if someone feels sad for a long time, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have depression. Have you ever thought about the possibility that it’s the people around you who […]

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5 Signs Someone is Being Fake Nice Person

Is there anyone who doubts some of their friendships? Someone who thinks that their friend is fake? In the beginning, all friendships start out fine, but then we see more in that person, and that more is usually not good. Maybe even at the beginning, we have noticed that they were manipulative towards people in […]

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