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Why Does Good Feelings Benefit Our Body and Mind?

Why Does Good Feelings Benefit Our Body and Mind

In order to have good physical health, we need to eat proper food and be physically active. However, research says that good health requires positive emotions as well. According to a newer study, positive emotions make people more socially connected. (1) For the sake of the study which was published in Psychological Science, 65 people […]

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10 Things Most People Take a Lifetime to Learn

10 Things Most People Take A Lifetime To Learn

Everyone at least once in their life needs to have a wake-up call. And, there is no better time than the moment right now, to take a second and re-evaluate our own priorities and life. Remember, better late than never. Read the 10 lessons below which often need a lifetime to learn and take advantage […]

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You Can Be Single and Happy – Here is Why

You Can Be Single and Happy - Here Is Why

Are you not used to being called someone’s ‘’girlfriend’’? Did your boyfriend recently break up with you, right after things got pretty serious? Or have you been single your entire life? Whatever the case, you might feel extremely overwhelmed with your love life. Well, the girls who stay single for an extended time supposedly end […]

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10 Impressive Qualities of Sensitive People

10 Impressive Qualities of Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people experience the world differently as they process information deeply. They tend to be insightful, creative, and empathetic, but these traits can also make them prone to stress and overwhelm. And, they are often told that they take things so personally. Highly sensitive people are considered to be a minority. They are known […]

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