To All The Girls With Anxiety: You are The Strongest of All!

Are you a girl with anxiety? Or, maybe you know a girl with anxiety? Many think that people with anxiety are weak and too afraid to live life. (1) But is that true? If anxiety is your shadow that never abandons you, you probably know the feeling.
If you have no idea what life with anxiety feels like, read this article. We are going to tell you why a girl with anxiety is the strongest of all. Having anxiety is not easy, and that is why girls with anxiety are the strongest.
They are constantly in battle with their anxiety which is telling them they are weak, and they should not get out of bed or say a word. There are days in which these girls are completely submissive, and they listen to everything their anxiety tells them.
Anyway, there are also days in which these girls find enough energy and power to ignore that voice. They find the strength to get out of bed, to hang out with friends, and to put a smile on their faces.
These girls are incredibly strong because even when they are shaking, they decide to show up. Even when their voice is cracked, they talk. They breathe even when their breathing is shaky.
Sometimes, it is easier just to avoid dates, not attend a class, or call sick from work. Also, there are times when these girls prefer to be alone because being around people is just too much for them.
Nonetheless, most of the time, these girls do what they need to do. They turn off their alarm, shower, dress, and take care of things.
During the day, even the smallest things such as a text from an unexpected person, an email, an awkward look from a co-worker or a stranger, etc. can make her mind go crazy. This to some may seem like nonsense, but to these girls is real.
They are constantly self-conscious, but they set it aside. They ignore how they think people are looking at them, and judging them, and they force themselves to do what they need to do, to be productive. And, they try to concentrate on things that matter.
These girls do not let anxiety have control over their lives. They fight against the dark thoughts. They have a motivation to be the best people they can be.
There are days when their anxiety makes them feel weak like they are less than other people, and like they do not deserve to be in the same room with “normal” people. Some may think that they are inferior, but that is not the case.
These girls are fighters, but they cannot see that. These girls try hard, put in effort, and have achievements. While there are people who do not abandon their comfort zones, these girls are out of theirs each day.
They are never relaxed. They are worried all the time about what to say, what to wear, how to act etc. This is the reason why these girls learn throughout their whole lives.
Of course, there are days when these girls would stay in bed, delay showers, not say a word for hours, refuse to dress up, etc. However, other times, these girls are brave enough to say what they mean. They may even surprise themselves with their courage.
Also, sometimes, these girls may have an even harder life if they are surrounded by people who do not understand them or support them. Many cannot understand what these girls are going through.
They may even say at times “Oh, you do it to yourself,” “You choose to be like this,” etc., and this is not good to hear because these girls fight every day to overcome the anxiety.
It is absurd to even think that one would like to live a life filled with constant worry. That is one more reason why these girls are strong! Although they may not be aware, they are the strongest people in this world.
And that is so because they cannot go a minute without being worried. They know nothing about peace. They are always struggling, and they are always the winners because living a life with constant worry is not an easy task.
If you know a girl with anxiety, make sure to understand what she is going through and help her throughout her life. If you do not know how to help her, please, do not waste her energy by saying things that may hurt her.
Life is not easy, and everyone knows it, especially girls with anxiety. If you are a girl with anxiety, remember YOU are the STRONGEST of all!