Category Archives for "Psychological Facts"

6 Ways to Get The Brain in Creativity Mode

6 Ways To Get The Brain In Creativity Mode

Neuroscience has a connection to creativity. A company called Neuroscape is led by Adam Gazzaley, a photographer, and a neuroscientist. Adam’s company is in the process of FDA approval for technology that helps kids with ADHD improve their attention span. He discussed with Chase Jarvis (the founder of CreativeLive) the key understanding of neuroscience’s role […]

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5 Habits That Turn Off Negative Thinking

5 Ways to Reframe Negative Thinking

Negative thoughts have absolutely no purpose. They don’t define you as a person, nor can they determine your destiny. What they can do is cause untold damage and severely influence your way of life. Sometimes these negative thoughts tend to hang around – this is known as cognitive restructuring. According to Dr. Alice Boyes, a […]

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