Category Archives for "Healthy Lifestyle"

A 7-Day Sugar Detox Menu Plan

Lose 30 lbs In A Week With This Sugar Detox Menu Plan

Nowadays, we are aware that sugar is evil for our health. Consuming sweets such as cakes, or products with “hidden sugars” like low-fat yogurt can lead to big size, wrinkles, and energy crashes. People who are sugar addicts usually cannot start a day without a cup of coffee with sugar, and they cannot go without […]

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The Benefits of Eating Ginger on a Regular Basis

Your Body Will Experience These Benefits If You Consume Ginger For A Month

One of the healthiest spices in the world is the delicious ginger. For almost 2,000 years people have used ginger because of its health benefits. So, here we explain some of the health benefits that ginger offers. 1. Fights Against Cancer Nowadays many people are affected by cancer. According to studies, ginger is excellent in […]

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Why People Should Make Their Body Alkaline?

The pH balance in the body is essential for our overall health. The alkaline environment is excellent for the immunologic, enzymatic, and repair mechanisms. The pH of the blood is regulated in a few ways. Carbon dioxide is mildly acidic, but the changes in breathing regulate its levels. For example, when we exercise, the body […]

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