Some people forget things that some people think are worth remembering. Also, our brain agrees that it is unnecessary to know everything. Since always, remembering has been the most powerful of the mental features. But, scientists from the University of Toronto, Canada, believe that forgetting is likewise important. One paper which was published in Neuron […]
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Anxious people are too sensitive. Their feelings are overwhelming, and that can be too exhaustive for them. Even though they are often in a fight or flight situation, they are loving, gentle, and kind people. But, to get a better understanding of them continue reading. Below is a list of 12 things indicating when a […]
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Narcissists are not just cocky; they do not possess empathy for other people. But, they do have an extreme need for attention and admiration. They believe they are the center of the whole world. They think they are the number one on the list of priorities. Since narcissists feel like they are the most important […]
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Sometimes, our lives may be affected by some higher beings such as spirits, angels, or demigods. There are times when we feel protected as if some guardian angel is taking care of us, and sometimes we feel confused, afraid, and cold. Many influences of your surroundings have an impact on your life. And, guardian angels […]
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Spirituality is connected with religion, philosophy, purpose, and meaning of life or just a style of life. And, spiritual fitness is a manner that affects people’s overall health and demonstrates how spirituality can help people to have a better life. Spirituality has two expressions one of which involves activities that strengthen people and make healthy […]
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When one is in danger, one feels afraid, which is natural. If we have unsolved emotions in our subconscious, our mind may connect different symbols with some possible danger. Furthermore, you are going to see a photo which is excellent to analyze your strongest fear in your subconscious mind. The photo is going to provoke […]
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Neuroscience has a connection to creativity. A company called Neuroscape is led by Adam Gazzaley, a photographer, and a neuroscientist. Adam’s company is in the process of FDA approval for technology that helps kids with ADHD improve their attention span. He discussed with Chase Jarvis (the founder of CreativeLive) the key understanding of neuroscience’s role […]
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Children don’t need just water, food, and shelter. They also need cognitive and emotional support, love, and nurturing, and they need it every day. That’s why parents and caregivers should try to express their love and affection for them daily. The fastest rate at which our brain forms complex network connections is during early and […]
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Almost half of Americans do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes numerous problems such as weight gain, depression, and high blood pressure. Anyway, the sleeping position is important as well. Even people who sleep seven or eight hours per day may have health problems because of the way they sleep. Experts say that […]
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People have four main blood types which are: Agrarian – Type A Bavarian – Type B Original Hunter – Type O The most common and strongest immune system – Type AB Besides these blood types, there are more than 400 different blood subtypes that depend on the individual’s profile, lifestyle, and health. Nonetheless, the main […]
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