A Hardvard Psychologist Reveals 3 Ways to Raise a Good Kid

A Hardvard Psychologist Reveals 3 Ways to Raise a Good Kid

Nowadays, we can all agree that times have changed. With new times come new types of habits, sets of attitudes, and behaviors that are different from when we were children. Today’s generation has the newest technology.

That distracts them to go out and play, socializing as we used to do it before, or simply having fun. These changes bring a significant challenge to those parents who were not lucky enough to enjoy the benefits of the modern technology of today.

There are different challenges but the biggest one is that today’s parents raise their kids differently from the time they were kids, and the outcome is what concerns them.

Every single parent asks the same exact questions:

“Will my child learn to be a complete individual with good manners, who can communicate with others freely? Am I missing out on something? Will my kid be successful? Am I doing everything right?”

You should know that one particular psychologist at Harvard University has thought of those questions and he made a study. He discovered that there are a couple of elements that are vital for the childhood of every child.

He says that the key to upbringing a good kid in these difficult times is not as complicated as most people think. Ready to find out? Read on.

3 Methods of Raising a Good Kid

#1 Set High Ethical Expectations and Teach Your Kid to Care for Others

Your kid must bond and socialize with others correctly. You see, avoiding selfishness and caring for the happiness of others can bring immense benefit to the future of your kid.

According to the findings from Harvard, it is crucial that kids know from their caretakers and parents that caring for others is a priority and it’s as essential as their own happiness. The issue is that most kids do not hear this message.

You must be ready to honor their commitments. Do your best to teach them always to do what is right even when it is difficult and try to be a role model for this. Make sure to justify what you say with your actions.

Obligations and responsibilities are things you should always remind your kid of. Obligations and responsibilities come in every form: school responsibilities, chores, friends, manners, and promises.

Remind your child that they aren’t alone and that other people have expectations from them and they should be ready to fulfill them because they can do it.

Practically Speaking

Make sure to encourage your child to try to work things out before they decide to quit the band, sports team, or a certain friendship. Say to them: “It’s important to be happy and kind to others.”

Explain to them that they should consider the consequences of their actions.

#2 Spend Quality Time with Your Kid

All parents should remember that it isn’t enough to be just physically around your child, you must be with them altogether. What does that mean? It means no new computer or mobile phone can replace the bonding which the kid needs.

By listening carefully, doing the things they love doing together, and by communicating with them openly, your kid will love you more, but at the same time learn to be a caring person.

Another thing is that they shall remember their childhood as a positive and enjoyable experience. This is actually the foundation of everything.

Bear in mind that your child would prefer to have a genuine person to talk to and share experiences and ideas with. This happens even if your kid is not aware of it.

You should ask how their day at school was, listen to them carefully and talk about possible ideas they might have in their head. But you must be careful not to misjudge lessons from your own experiences.

Why? Because your kid must experience things from their own point of view. Find out what your kid’s favorite things are and try to learn together with them how to play the games they like to play.

Every kid would love to share the fun with their parent. Also, you can try to read them a book before bed, or if your kid is in the mood for it, do it together during the day. All you need to do is ensure you acknowledge how they feel.

Practically Speaking

Make sure you play their favorite games with them and read them a bedtime story. Ask them questions about how their day was. Also, you can ask questions such as:

“What was the best part of this day? What was the hardest part for you? Did you do something nice for someone today? Or did someone do something nice for you? What did you learn today?”

#3 Teach Your Child to See the Big Picture

Kids care about and empathize with a small circle of close friends and families. This is normal. However, the real challenge is to teach them to be thinking about all other people who are outside this circle.

You see, this circle might involve a new child in the class, people that work in their school, someone who lives in a different country, or someone who doesn’t speak their language.

You need to teach your kind that their actions and thoughts can actually influence a community. It’s important for kids to learn how to zoom in, listen carefully, and attend to those who are in their inner circle.

Also, they need to learn how to zoom out and see the big picture. They need to consider the range of people they communicate with on a daily basis.

Practically Speaking

Make sure to encourage your kid to consider the feelings and perspectives of other people, particularly those who might be vulnerable. You can give your kid simple ideas on how to take action.

For example, how to reach out to the new child in class or how to comfort a kid who was teased. You should talk about engaging topics of the hardships of other people, such as the different experiences of kids in other communities and countries.

Final Thoughts

You should remember, that childhood is that period of life when most of the personality is formed. For that specific reason, you as a parent need to begin paying close attention to your kid’s development, the best you can.

Do that by helping your kid understand the important things which will make them a complete person.

There is no such thing as the perfect parent, but remember that small pair of eyes that you made expect you to be there for them, as a parent, a friend, and a teacher.