Famous Psychologist Reveals 20 Key Points About Living a Better Life

Having a better insight into ourselves and our surroundings is vital for our happiness in all aspects of life. Well, that’s what the Russian psychologist and psychotherapist Dr. Mikhail Litvak says.
He is the author of 30 books on psychology and a member of the EPO (European Psychiatry Organization).
Finding a better job, improving your relationships, climbing up the social ladder, and being happier requires patience and hard work! As he says, personal and professional success and happiness in life are based on the way you live your life.
Here are several rules by this famous Russian physiologist that will help you improve your relationships and succeed in life.
20 Life Philosophies for a Better and More Successful Life
1. Only when you’ll know that you are good, kind, smart, and worthy, you won’t care what others think of you.
2. You won’t find happiness in other people or objects – it’s in yourself. The only way you can find true happiness is to reflect on the moments you felt most proud of yourself.
3. Mature people don’t criticize others as they know how to use their knowledge to succeed. It’s the immature ones who criticize as they don’t know how to put their knowledge into action.
4. Never wait for permission to go for something you want really bad. In that way, you are the one who has control over it.
5. People feel rejected when they move forward slower than others. But, no one has thrown them out of their life, so they shouldn’t feel rejected.
6. Happiness is assured if you organize your life and plan your actions.
7. If a person does you a favor and then makes you feel incredibly grateful or guilty for that, pay off their services and distance yourself from them as soon as possible.
8. Stop trying to please everyone – it’s impossible, and it will only make you feel mentally and emotionally drained.
9. Although depression is very hard, it allows you to think about yourself, look into the depths of your soul, and see the things that are pulling you back or pushing you forward.
10. Being close to your friends and family is great and fun. But, being close to your enemies is more useful as it helps you see your bad habits and disadvantages. This, in turn, allows you to work on them and improve yourself as a person.
11. Dream about goals you can achieve. Fantasizing about things you can never have can only make you frustrated and depressed.
12. When reading a good book, you spend more quality time than when talking to shallow people.
13. Dig into philosophy, science, or anything else you’ll benefit from instead of digging into other people’s lives.
14. You will only defeat your enemies when you succeed in defeating the greatest of them all – yourself!
15. Don’t pay attention to people who insult or criticize you. Wait for the day when you’ll succeed and all their insults and criticisms will no longer matter.
16. The only reason you should end a relationship or quit a job is that it prevents you from growing on a personal and professional level.
17. When you meet a person for the first time, don’t think they won’t like you. It can only make you afraid of talking to them. They could love your personality and think favorably of you.
18. You could feel lonely after a break-up, but, don’t see it as something negative. Loneliness will allow you to grow spiritually and emotionally. What’s more, it makes you more productive.
19. Masculine or feminine logic doesn’t exist! You can only be wise and make the right decisions.
20. The only way you can increase your happiness is when you share it with others, including your enemies. Make other people happy and let your enemies know you are happier than them!
We hope Dr. Litvak’s philosophies will help you find the true meaning and happiness in life!