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Use 52 Garlic Cloves to Make the Best Winter Soup

Use 52 Garlic Cloves to Make a Soup That Can Treat the Flu, Colds, and Even Norovirus

Garlic has powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. According to research from Washington State University, garlic could be a hundred times more efficient than regular antibiotics for treating some diseases and removing bacteria (1). When we crush the garlic, the alliin becomes allicin. Studies claim that allicin can reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and even prevent […]

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How Exercise Affects Our Health and Wellbeing

The Surprising Way Exercise Affects Your Mental Health!

We should all ask ourselves: “How often do I exercise?” The fact is, physical inactivity can contribute to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many other health conditions. But, it turns out that exercise may also affect our mental health. In fact, most of us have probably noticed that a trip to the gym or […]

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Humans Love Helpless Dogs More Than People?

Humans Love Helpless Dogs More Than People, Study Finds

If there are people who belong to the list of people who adore animals, they will probably know what we are talking about. According to one study, people are more touched by dogs which suffer than other humans. (1) Scientists described a situation in which there was an unknown attacker with a baseball bat and […]

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10 Signs of Higher Consciousness

10 Obvious Signs of Higher Consciousness

Nowadays, the world undergoes many changes. There are more and more people each day that are becoming conscious and aware of problems in the world that need to change. In order to lead truly happy and meaningful lives, people realize they need to be in control of their own lives instead of being controlled by […]

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