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15 Tips to Boost Оur Happiness

15 Science-Based Tips to Boost Your Happiness

Since every individual wants to be happy, researchers have tried to find many ways in which we can improve our well-being. The author Ryan Niemiec wrote an article about proven strategies that can help us boost our happiness. (1) Below are 15 tips we can use to make ourselves happier. 1. A Letter From Your […]

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7 Things in Life We Should Refuse to Settle For

7 Things in Life We Should Refuse to Settle For

Sometimes we may feel like we often settle for less than we really deserve just because we’re afraid to change our situation, right? Leaving behind the things we are familiar with can seem scary, difficult, and uncomfortable. But, living a life that doesn’t allow us to express our true personality, creativity, and potential will stifle […]

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People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days a Week?

People over 40 Are More Productive If They Work 3 Days per Week

A study issued in the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper says that people who are older than 40 performed best at work when they worked three days per week. So, does that mean that older workers could work less efficiently? According to the Australian study, researchers tried to analyze the cognitive abilities of older workers. As […]

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