Category Archives for "Healthy Lifestyle"

Chia Seeds, Digestion, Brain, and Heart

How Chia Seeds Can Help Improve Digestion, Brain, and Heart

What’s the best thing about chia seeds? Well, they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which are not easy to come by. Omega-3 acids are unsaturated fats which are essential to our health, just as omega-6 acids are. But, you can find omega-6 in many products, like avocados, vegetable oils, and nuts, whereas omega-3s are […]

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6 Ways to Keep Migraines Away

6 Ways to Keep Migraines Away

When it comes to headaches and migraines, there are a few things people must know. Let’s start with the basics. A headache might be a rebound headache, tension, sinus, cluster, or migraine. The more people know, the easier will be for them to prevent it. Around 30 million people in the US experience migraines and […]

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What Happens When You Diffuse Essential Oils

This Is What Happens With Your Lungs, and Air When You Diffuse Essential Oils

People who use aromatherapy know that essential oils are an important part because they improve our mood and concentration. Also, these oils purify the air, give off a beautiful smell, and breathing in their vapors provides great health benefits. Spreading out essential oils makes us inhale their molecules, and the nerves send signals to the […]

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