Category Archives for "Alternative News"

10 Signs He is a Real Gentleman

10 Signs He Is a Real Gentleman

Every single lady out there can confirm that chivalry will never go out of style. And also common courtesy and good manners. Nowadays, it is rare to find a real gentleman. Someone who is kind, considerate, and patient. So, how to recognize a true gentleman when we meet one? It is time to learn. Signs […]

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People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days a Week?

People over 40 Are More Productive If They Work 3 Days per Week

A study issued in the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper says that people who are older than 40 performed best at work when they worked three days per week. So, does that mean that older workers could work less efficiently? According to the Australian study, researchers tried to analyze the cognitive abilities of older workers. As […]

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