Brewery Creates 6-Pack Rings That Serve as Snacks to the Wildlife

Plastic pollution is one of the most talked topics these days and it’s with a reason. Plastic pollution is a serious issue especially for the Gulf of Mexico because it comes with one of the highest concentrations of marine plastic in the whole world.

The plastic six-pack rings are severely damaging the marine life because they choke seals, warp the shells of the sea turtles and also tangle the wings of the sea birds.

But, it seems as there is light at the end of this dark tunnel, as one brewery in Florida found a solution. A bio gradable six-pack rings which can also serve as snacks to the wildlife, because they are created of barley and wheat.

When you look at them, they look as they are created out of carboarding, but in reality, barley and wheat byproducts are compressed into a tough, durable material.

This material can sustain the wear and tear linked with storage in the fridge and transport.

These revolutionary rings were created by Saltwater Brewery which is a craft microbrewery located in Delray Beach. It’s a startup called E6PR which is short for Eco 6 Pack Rings.

They truly hope that other breweries will purchase the rings and with that help lower the costs of manufacturing.

The head at the brewery, Peter Agardy said that it’s a big investment for such a small brewery created by people who love the sea and its marine life, surfers and fisherman.

The president of Delray, Chris Gove said that they hope they will have an influence on the big guys and motivate and inspire them to join this revolutionary approach.

According to a report from CBS News the project was a collaboration between private investors from the beverage packing industry, We Believers a New York ad agency and Entelequia a Mexican biodegradable supplier.

The 6 pack rings are created with by-product waste and other materials they will be compostable if disposed of properly.

We have to say that E6PR is one way to turnaround and people have cleaner waters and better marine life.


Realfarmacy | CBS News