A New Bionic Lens Could Take Place of Glasses and Contact Lenses?

Ever thought about bionic upgrades? (1) For instance, a liver that offers unlimited drinking or an eye that offers superhuman eyesight sounds amazing, right? If these things have crossed people’s mind, and they have thought that those things are far in the future, well, they are not.
In fact, the bionic lens is just 2 years away. Ocumetics Technology Corporation (2) has designed a medical device, Bionic Lens that could take the place of glasses and contact lenses. They are currently testing the lens.
If the results are good, we would be able to use them in about 2 years, and the capabilities they offer are incredible.
Through one of the most successful procedures in medicine, cataract surgery, The Bionic Lens can replace the natural eye lens. It provides a clear, high-quality vision at all distances.
By connecting to the muscles that change the curve of our innate lenses, the Bionic Lens can auto-regulate inside the eye at allows focusing on various ranges, which would probably be larger than our natural vision is capable of.
Additionally, since the Bionic Lens has less than 1/100 the amount of energy of our innate lens, we would be able to focus on something all day without feeling the tension in our eyes.
This lens may improve our eyesight three times. If you are able to see a clock that is about 3 meters away, with the help of the Bionic Lens you would be able to see it when it is more than 9 meters away.
When you combine the excellent sharp focus and the capability to tune the lens to better your vision, you would be able to see sharp details at a close distance. For instance, if you looked at a little sliver of a finger, you may be able to see the cellular detail.
It is very interesting that the Bionic Lens is made in a way that allows further upgrades and modifications. For instance, it would allow installation of projecting system that will offer capabilities of projecting a phone screen or accommodating NASA technologies that offer improved focus.
Also, installation of a system for slow drug delivery in the eye may be possible. According to Dr. Garth Webb, (3) they have created the Bionic Lens to make our lives easier and better functioning.
Moreover, he believes that people would develop artificial intelligence that would be on our watch, around our heads, or maybe both. Also, Dr. Webb says that the negative thing of this technology is that it would offer great, but “unfair” benefits to people that will own it.
People who would like to have the first device; they will need to buy it for about $3200 per lens, without the surgery expenses. Now, there are already lists of clinics and surgeons that will work with Bionic Lens.
However, the Bionic Lens would not treat every eye condition. It would not treat cloudy corneas, serious genetic retinal illnesses, color-blindness, serious macular degeneration or harmed optic nerves.
In fact, it offers us an improved version of our innate lens that is unavoidably degenerating as we age.
Well, this seems amazing, and we are impatient to see the outcome.