
Lack of These Nutrients Might Contribute to Mental Illnesses and Mood Disorders

Lack of These Vitamins Can Cause Mental Illness and Mood Disorders

We all feel moody from time to time. Sometimes anger, sadness, and anxiety destroy our good mood. But, many people think their bad mood is a mood disorder. Well, that is not true. Bad mood and mood disorder are two different things.

Mood disorder affects a person’s emotional state on a daily basis. Almost 1 in 10 people, 18 years or older, have mood disorders. These disorders include manic depression and other forms of depression.

There are several forms of mood disorders that can force someone’s mood to fluctuate. These disorders are mental disorders that can affect our mood either gradually or rapidly. These disorders are:

  • Depression;
  • Major depressive disorder;
  • Anxiety;
  • Borderline personality disorder;
  • Bipolar disorder.

They are very complex disorders that can be caused by someone’s environment, situation, personality, diet, genetics, habits, and a ton of social factors. All of these causes play a major role in our mental health.

This is why people should try their best to overcome it. A good idea is to start with a healthy diet. If you give your body an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals, your mind will probably require less energy to function and use the ‘’fuel’’ you are providing.

This way, you can keep your system healthy and functioning properly. But remember, the better the ‘’fuel’’, the better the results. So, make sure you use high-quality ‘’fuel’’ if you want it to work. Plus, our diets play a huge role in our mental state.

6 Nutrient Deficiencies That Can Cause Mood Disorders

Our gut and mental state are closely related. So, it is important that you provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Here is how you can do it.

1. Zinc

According to a meta-analysis issued in Biological Psychiatry, people with depression had 14% less zinc in their blood compared to the average person without depression. Also, people with the lowest levels of zinc were the ones with severe depression.

To avoid some mental disorders, researchers suggest men take 11 mg and women 9 mg of zinc. The best food sources rich in zinc are red meat, oysters, beans, whole grains, and poultry.

2. Omega-3s

An adequate supply of omega 3 fatty acids can help boost your endocrine system, heart, immune system, lungs, brain, blood vessels, and even mood, says NIH. Plus, they have potent anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the impact of some mental illnesses.

The recommended intake for women is 1.1 g per day and for men 1.6 g. The best food sources rich in omega 3 are tuna, salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, and chia seeds.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D can have a huge impact on our mood. That is why a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to depression. According to research, adults who lack Vitamin D in their system have depression.

The recommended intake of this vitamin for infants is 400 IU and for adults is 600 IU.

4. Vitamin B12

In recent years, evidence suggests that vitamins B, B12, and folate may prevent depression and some mental disorders. Some records suggest that these vitamins are linked to our mood.

Also, adequate levels of vitamin B12 can help treat people with depression.

To confirm these results, researchers tracked 115 patients. All of them were seeing therapists and psychiatrists to treat their depression. Also, 50% of them were already taking antidepressants.

After six months of intensive research, scientists found that people who had high levels of B12 in their system had a higher chance of halting the symptoms of depression. That is why researchers suggest people eat more healthy foods that contain this vitamin.

The best food sources rich in this particular vitamin are clams, beef liver, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs. The recommended intake for adults is 2.4 mcg and for infants .4 mcg.

5. Folate

The Indian Journal of Psychiatry claims that lack of folate in the system can cause mental health issues. According to scientists patients with depression had 25% lower folate levels in their system compared to an average healthy individual.

This shows that folate deficiency can affect our mental health. That is why it is best to consume this vitamin.

The best food sources rich in folate are Brussel sprouts, asparagus, oranges, dark leafy greens, black-eyed peas, peanuts, kidney beans, fortified cold cereal, and whole grains. The recommended intake for infants is 65 mcg per day and for adults 400 mcg.

6. Iodine

Studies show that iodine can also affect our mental health which is why researchers suggest people consume this vitamin. A deficiency in this vitamin can also affect reproductive functions and decrease IQ levels in children.

That is why it is best to consume salt fortified with iodine.