We should forget about sugary foods, bread, or pasta when eating low-carb foods. In other words, it is foods low in carbohydrates. Instead of carbs, we get healthy fats, protein, and vegetables. Sounds delicious and healthy, right? The thing is, many people believe that there is only one type of low-carb diet. Of course, that […]
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Many of us have heard about planks, an excellent exercise that can change mood, mind, and attitude. Some people think they have to pay a lot of money for a gym membership to get fit, but that is not true. People should not underestimate alternative exercises because they can put them in shape. Minimalist exercise […]
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What is it about apple cider vinegar that’s causing such a stir? It seems everyone loves it, from ordinary people to celebrities. One of the major reasons for its recent surge in popularity is its ability to boost weight loss. The production process involves two fermentations of apple cider, resulting in tart vinegar abundant in […]
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Many people know the struggle with a bloated stomach. Luckily, when they find out the cause, in most of the cases, bloating is treatable. Often, bloating is uncomfortable, and it makes people lose self-confidence because of the way their body looks. Below is a list of the most usual reasons behind bloating. Insulin resistance Intestinal […]
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The human’s blood type is an important factor for the manifestation of the personality as well as health. So, as a result, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo got an idea of a special diet according to the blood types. 1. Blood Type A People with this blood type have structures, peaceful, and balanced life surrounded by […]
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There are people who are not satisfied with their body or weight, but for some reason, they cannot exercise a lot. Well, for them there is a solution. What most people don’t know is that walking can help them get in better shape. Yes, it is possible, and it is healthy. That may be confusing […]
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It is alright to feel bloated from time to time, especially after eating a lot. But, feeling bloated at all times is not healthy. However, many people confuse bloating with something else. They think that having a bloated belly means that they are getting bigger. Well, that is not true. A bigger belly and a […]
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A lot of people have probably heard that green tea is one of the healthiest drinks we can have, but why it so? What makes that ancient beverage so beneficial to our health, and how does it affect our body when consumed regularly? Green tea was first considered a costly drink in ancient China, enjoyed […]
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Sooner or later, we might all have a problem with the way our body looks. It is a real challenge to get a lean body even with a good diet and regular physical exercise. Anyway, there are yoga movements that can do wonders. For more than five thousand years people have been practicing yoga. According […]
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Exercising on a regular basis and consuming healthy foods is very important for our health. Many studies show that eating healthy foods makes our life happier. However, exercising is of great importance just like foods rich in nutrients. Here, we offer 5 effective exercises that will help people get closer to the body they want. […]
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