11 Piriformis Stretches to Relieve Sciatica, Hip, and Lower Back Pain

Those who have experienced sciatic nerve pain know how unbearable it is. The reasons for sciatica are numerous; some of them are spinal stenosis, ruptured disk, body injury, etc.
When one experiences a sciatic nerve pain, the first things that need to be checked are the hips and the lower back. Doctors say that making a stretch that could allow hip rotation to get relief is advantageous.
Sadly, this annoying pain can spread to the feet and the lower limb, this so because the sciatic nerve binds the femur and the spine. In fact, it is the basic muscle for noticeable movements of feet, hips, and upper legs.
When the sciatic nerve goes through the muscle, we get the piriformis syndrome, so the outcome is hip as well as lower back pain. About 40 percent of people will experience sciatic nerve pain or sciatica at some point in their lives.
A lot of people may use muscle relaxants, aspirin, antidepressants, ketoprofen, acetaminophen, and pain-relief-med.com.
However, it would be the best if you try certain exercises in order to save yourself from possible side effects that could cause more problems than the pain.
But, keep in mind that you need to consult your doctor before trying any exercises.
Also, you should take a walk to warm up before exercise, and then follow the given instructions.
First Exercise: Supine Piriformis Stretch
For this exercise, you need to lie down and bend your knees. You should cross your harmed leg, or the other one up toward your chest. With one hand hold strong your ankle, and with the other hand, hold your knee.
Then, draw upfront your shoulder in the same line with your ankle. You should keep this position for about half a minute until you feel your bottom and glutes extended.
Second Exercise: Standing Piriformis Stretch
For this exercise, you need to stand up. Put your harmed leg above the knee of the other leg. Then, at an angle of 45 degrees, lower your hip. Bend your torso upfront while you extend your arms aligned to the ground.
You need to have your spine straight. Stay in this position for a half a minute to one minute, and then, do the same with the other leg.
Third Exercise: Outer Hip Piriformis Stretch
For this exercise, you need to lie down, bend your harmed leg, and keep your foot close to the knee of your other leg. Then, curl your leg to the opposite side while you touch the floor with your knee.
When you extend the left leg, you should put your right hand on your knee, while you raise the left hand. While you are attempting to touch the floor with your shoulder, you should lower your arm in the opposite direction of the knee.
Stay in this position for about twenty seconds, and do the same with your other leg.
Fourth Exercise: Long Abductor Stretch
For this exercise, you need to sit down. Then, extend your legs out and far apart. Bend your torso upfront, and place your hands on the floor. You should try to touch the ground with your elbows. Stay in this position for about twenty seconds.
Fifth Exercise: Short Adductor Stretch
For this exercise, you need to sit down. Then, in front of you, put your feet together. With your left hand hold your right foot ankle, and with the right hand hold the left foot ankle.
Push down your knees. Stay in this position for half a minute, and then, for another half a minute wave rapidly with your legs.
Sixth Exercise: Side-Lying Clam
For this exercise, you need to lie on the side with the harmed hip. Tilt your legs back into an L shape, and keep one foot on another, while keeping your legs parallel.
You should not tilt your body or spine but keep the harmed hip high. While you are keeping your feet together, raise your top knee, and stay in this position for a while. Do this for fifteen times.
Seventh Exercise: Hip Extension
For this exercise, you need to place your hands and knees on the ground. Make sure to keep your hands aligned with your shoulders. Raise your harmed leg while keeping your knee tilt. Then, lower the leg again, and do this for fifteen times.
Eighth Exercise: Supine Piriformis Side Stretch
For this exercise, you need to lie on the floor with your back straight, and flat legs. You need to tilt the harmed leg up.
Then, place your foot on the outside of the other leg, and it should be close to the knee.
Drag the knee of the harmed leg across the middle line of your body, and make sure not to raise your hips or shoulders.
They need to be on the ground.
Stay in this position for half a minute, and do the same with the other leg. Do this three times.
Ninth Exercise: Bottom Stretch for the Piriformis Muscle
For this exercise, you need to stay on all fours. Your foot of the harmed leg needs to be under your stomach. Curl it toward your opposite side close to the hip. Direct your knee toward the shoulder.
Then, you should touch the ground with your forehead, extend the other leg, and your pelvis should be straight. The hips need to be pushed toward the floor. Stay in this position for about half a minute, and do it three times.
Tenth Exercise: Seated Stretch
For this exercise, you need a chair. Then, sit in the chair and cross your harmed leg over the other one. Your chest needs to be upfront, and make sure to keep your back straight.
Take two breaths, and slowly bend, hold for another half a minute, and do the same with your other leg.
Eleventh Exercise: McKenzie Press Up
For this exercise, you need to lie on the floor with your face down. You are able to rest your head for two or three minutes on whichever side you want.
Then, place your elbows on the floor so that you could lean on.
Take several deep breaths, and go down again, you can relax for two or three minutes. For the next position, you can check out the video.
Besides these exercises, we offer you two more videos. They are all done in lying position and are true pain relievers.
Check them out. The first video offers one-minute sciatica exercises with given instructions.
This second video offers you one-minute sciatica stretches with given instructions.
We hope you will find these exercises helpful, but please, make sure to consult your doctor before trying any of them.