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5 Spiritual Fitness Steps to Our Conscious Evolution

5 Spiritual Fitness Steps To Your Conscious Evolution

Spirituality is connected with religion, philosophy, purpose, and meaning of life or just a style of life. And, spiritual fitness is a manner that affects people’s overall health and demonstrates how spirituality can help people to have a better life. Spirituality has two expressions one of which involves activities that strengthen people and make healthy […]

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6 Ways to Get The Brain in Creativity Mode

6 Ways To Get The Brain In Creativity Mode

Neuroscience has a connection to creativity. A company called Neuroscape is led by Adam Gazzaley, a photographer, and a neuroscientist. Adam’s company is in the process of FDA approval for technology that helps kids with ADHD improve their attention span. He discussed with Chase Jarvis (the founder of CreativeLive) the key understanding of neuroscience’s role […]

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7 Things About Our Blood Type We Should Know

7 Things to Know About Blood Types

People have four main blood types which are: Agrarian  – Type A Bavarian – Type B Original Hunter – Type O The most common and strongest immune system – Type AB Besides these blood types, there are more than 400 different blood subtypes that depend on the individual’s profile, lifestyle, and health. Nonetheless, the main […]

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