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30 Challenges for 30 Days to Become a Better Person

30 Day Challenges Become a Better Person

There are people who always try to be better than yesterday. They can try the 30-day challenge. Below they have 3 levels of challenges that will make them a better person. Easy level Intermediate level Hard level No matter which of the levels they choose, all of them can make a big difference in people’s […]

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10 Problems That are Linked to Poor Parenting

10 Problems That Are Linked To Poor Parenting

As a parent, we are probably second-guessing a lot of decisions before making them. Are we too strict, too laid back, not interesting or fun enough? We may even have all these feelings on the same day, fearing that our mistakes can cause serious harm to our child’s emotional and mental development. The fact is, […]

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10 Steps to Increase Children’s Happiness

10 Simple Steps to Increase Children's Happiness

Many parents, as well as teachers, want to see children happy and joyful. So, to achieve that, parents tend to buy them gifts, take them for ice cream, help them with their homework, or play games together. Also, teachers do many things to make the children happy, for instance, they buy school supplies by spending […]

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