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30 Rules Everyone Should Live by After Turning 30

30 Rules Everyone Should Live By After Turning 30

Who thinks their 30s are/were pretty stressful? The truth is, that a specific period of life can bring a lot of changes to everyone, so it’s not unusual to be stressful. In fact, it’s the period of life when everything seems more serious. Our kids might start to go to school, our parents are aging, […]

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How to Neutralize the Negative Thoughts in Our Heads

5 Ways to Neutralize the Negative Thoughts in Our Heads

Sometimes we can find ourselves cuddling with our partner and suddenly doubtful, negative thoughts about their intentions start popping into our heads. Well, that’s how negativity starts in the mind. It happens spontaneously. You are in a happy, or pleasant situation but these unfounded thoughts prevent you from enjoying the moment. Unfortunately, that’s normal for […]

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10 Signs He is a Real Gentleman

10 Signs He Is a Real Gentleman

Every single lady out there can confirm that chivalry will never go out of style. And also common courtesy and good manners. Nowadays, it is rare to find a real gentleman. Someone who is kind, considerate, and patient. So, how to recognize a true gentleman when we meet one? It is time to learn. Signs […]

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How to Know If He Is a Real Man

How to Know If He Is a Real Man

Ladies, let’s get one thing straight – a guy who is dating multiple women and at the same time is nothing but selfish. We have all met this guy. Usually, he is a greedy, lustful loser who doesn’t consider the feelings of the women he is involved with. He only cares about himself and about […]

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