Letter to Those in a Toxic Relationship

Dear You,
Let’s get one thing straight, the length of a relationship won’t compensate for its worth, that will never happen.
Remember that you should only stay with a person when there is trust, love, respect, and forgiveness.
Remember that you shouldn’t stay with someone just because of the work you have invested in the relationship or the time both of you spent together.
Staying in such a relationship can destroy who you are as an individual, and also your inner peace. Therefore it is not worth it.
Probably you have reached that goal were you are hurting, or you are indifferent, and you don’t feel anything. Maybe you are in that state where you have surrendered everything as if there is no other thing to give or say.
You feel pain just by picking up a million pieces of your broken heart. Maybe you have been hiding all of the tears, or perhaps your eyes are so used to crying that you are unable to shed a tear now.
Perhaps you’ve been afraid to start all over, and it is entirely reasonable to fear of a fresh new start.
Yes, it might be hard to get up and leave, it will be at the beginning, but it will be so liberating at the same time.
You will feel as you can breathe again. A fresh start will seem incredible to you. You will have the time to find out where you want to be in life and so much more.
The truth is that we are all guilty of trying to save a relationship not realizing it is toxic for us. We try to convince ourselves that it will all be worth it. But what happens?
Find the courage deep in yourself to leave when you are no longer appreciated. One day all the love you have been giving will come back and find you.
When you fall apart, you might feel as everything went wrong and as the world won’t understand how is to go through such thing. But you should remember not to cry.
Everyone is in some sort of pain, yes, it may come in different sizes and shapes, but all people are in pain. Everyone just learns how to deal with it and combats it on a daily basis.
Now stand up, leave and fight for yourself and not for someone that has put you in this situation. And never, under any circumstances, lose hope of finding true love. He is out there looking for you.
You cannot meet him if you stay in this toxic relationship. You will lose the right one, by trying so hard with the wrong one.
How will the one be different? Well, he will choose you over everything. He will always have time for you; he will make you feel good about yourself. You will become a better person thanks to him.
In him, you will find a best friend with whom you can laugh about silly things, a companion with whom you can sing all the songs in the car while traveling, a lover with whom you can feel alive.
With this person, everything will feel easy and natural. He will cheer you up in times when you will be in pain and feel lonely, and with this person, you will never be alone.
He will find you, understand your worth and never let you go. He will never put himself into the position to lose you. You want this, right?
You can have it, all you need to do is leave the toxic relationship, take time to grow and find happiness within yourself. After a while, when you are ready, true love will come along. And you will be so grateful, happy and loved.
And there is no greater feeling and mission in life than to love and be loved. With the right one, you will understand that life is all about love.