An Open Letter to Our Grandmothers Who Helped Us Become What We Are Today

An Open Letter to Our Grandmothers Who Helped Us Become What We Are Today

Dear Grandmothers,
We have to admit that the relationship between a granddaughter and a grandmother is truly one of a kind relationship that needs to be treasured.

For a fact, we know that our dearest grandmother loves us unconditionally no matter what. She is the first person we run to in times when we have issues with our parents.

You should know that your arms are our safe place. You never fail us and always give the most comforting advice. You are a unique woman with the biggest heart. Yes, you might be a little guilty of spoiling us, but we loved it and still do.

You thought us just how essential it is to be kind and thankful. We admire you because you have lived through every single obstacle we now have as young women, and you always know what to say, and you give the best advice.

We love you because you are honest and real. We understand that you grew up in another generation. Yes, another time when things were different and much harder for women in comparison to today.

To us, you are a walking example of grace, perseverance, and strength we hope to be one day. You teach us valuable life lessons you learned the hard way. You do that because you don’t want us to go through the same mistakes.

Your hugs never fail to warm our hearts, your lovely smile never fails to make us smile, and your laugh always makes our day better.

You inspire us to be the best possible version of ourselves. We hope that one day we will be good mothers and grandmothers you are now with us. A piece of our heart will always belong to you, and that is something no one on Earth can replace.

We are entirely aware that you are the matriarch of our family and you are so important to everyone because you are the glue that holds everyone together.

You have a crucial role in helping us, your granddaughters, to become kind, strong, independent, and intelligent women.

You teach us how to forgive and how love. We have to say that without your unconditional love, we wouldn’t be the women we are today.

So, to all the grandmothers out there in the world no matter where you are, we have one thing to say, enormous thank you. Thank you for being you.

Sincerely and with love,

The loving granddaughters