9 Exercises for A Good-Looking & Toned Bum

Want a good-looking bum? Well, first we have to learn what we need to fulfill our wish. Most people believe that squats are the only effective way of building a nice bum. However, that is not true.
When we do squats we get bored after about ten, and some people who have bad knees are unable to do them. So, here are nine exercises that can help us get a toned butt.
Exercise #1
This exercise is called ‘single leg glute bridge.’ Lie down on the floor, bend your knees, and keep your feet close to your buttocks. Straighten one of your legs, and lift your hips up. When you are done, switch legs.
Exercise #2
This exercise is called ‘hydrants with leg extension.’ Get on the floor and get on all fours. Your wrists should be places over your shoulders, and your knees should be in the same line as your hips.
Lift one knee like in the gif. Do this for about forty-five to sixty seconds, and then do the same with the other leg.
Exercise #3
This exercise is called ‘rainbows.’ Begin just like in the previous exercise. But, this time, you should extend one leg with a pointed toe. Keep your leg straight and your core tight, and lower your leg to tap the floor to the left side.
As you lift the leg to starting position, squeeze your buttock, and then tap the floor to the right. Do this for forty-five or sixty seconds, and then switch legs.
Exercise #4
This exercise is named ‘curtsy lunges.’ Stand up and keep your knees in the same line as your hips. Then, place your hands on your hips, lift one leg straight sideways and cross it behind you.
You have to bend your other knee in order for the knee of the extended leg to touch the floor. Straighten your leg and go back to the first position. Do it for a minute, and switch legs.
Exercise #5
This exercise is called ‘heel lifted squat.’ Begin this exercise in the same pose as the previous, but this time, keep one heel lifted. Make sure to keep your core tight, and have your movements controlled.
Push your hips back, and lower your butt down. Then, press into your heel and go back to the first position. Do it for a minute and switch legs.
Exercise #6
This exercise is called ‘bear plank leg lifts.’ Begin in a plank position, and keep both of your knees slightly bent. You should bend one knee to a ninety-degree angle, kick the leg up with a flexed foot.
Go as high as you can, make a pause, and then lower the leg. Do this for a minute and then switch legs.
Exercise #7
This exercise is called ‘single leg deadlift.’ Stand up and keep your legs in the same line as your hips. But, this time, keep your right foot a few inches in front of the left one. And, keep your left knee bent, your core tight, and fold slowly forward.
Your left foot has to be aligned with the spine. Touch the ground with your hands, and return to the first position. Do it for a minute, and switch legs.
Exercise #8
This exercise is called ‘sumo squats to calf raise.’ Stand up and keep your feet twice apart from your hips. Place your hands on your hips, point your toes outwards.
You have to keep your core tight while you lower your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then, raise your heels from the floor. Next, lower your heels and raise your hips. Do it again.
Exercise #9
This exercise is called ‘squat to sumo.’ Start this exercise in the same position as the previous one. Your knees should be above your ankles, and squat. Turn your feet out about forty-five degrees, as your pulse in this position. Go back, and repeat.
Make sure to exercise on a regular basis if you want to achieve great results.