Why We Deserve Someone Who Will Give Us The World and Nothing Less

In life, there are a lot of things that we are going to settle for, such as a meal with fewer calories, a bad job, a piece of clothing, etc. But, Sonya Matejko (1) says we should never settle for average love. Although life offers us a lot of average things, love should not be on that list. (2)
Love should be on top of everything. We should never be satisfied and settle for a person who is capable of leaving us and never looking back. Or, a person who does not appreciate what they have when they have us. That is not what we should settle for.
We deserve everything that is good. We deserve a person that is going to miss us even if we are gone for only a minute. A person that is going to treat us like we are the most precious thing in their life. That is what we deserve.
Also, we deserve someone who is going to challenge us, someone who is going to motivate us to become the best version of ourselves. We are entitled to be with someone who wants to share their life with us, and someone who is forgiving, and happy.
We all deserve a never-ending passion with a person that is always going to be hungry for our touch. That kind of passion awakens our inner selves and makes our hearts on. That is what we need.
Being wanted and desired, and never doubting our beloved feelings is what we should settle for. We deserve someone who will never make us doubt our future together, someone who guarantees us security and safety. Our birthdays should never be forgotten.
Our holidays should always be the best. Every gift we get needs to be with effort, even if it is just a flower picked from a garden. We deserve meaning behind words, and letters and notes that remind us how special we are to our beloved.
We need, and we should settle for tenderness, passionate kisses that make us feel alive and make us lose ourselves at the moment, so we do not know where we are. To lose ourselves in love is what we need.
We should be with someone who does not feel ashamed to introduce us to their friends and be proud of us because we deserve it. A person that has a face on which we can see that they are happy to have us is what we deserve.
Easy love is not what we need. We need tough love, the one that makes us fight every battle together, and be beside each other forever. Epic and great love are what we all deserve. We should never settle for anything average.
The best thing is to be someone’s dream, and that is what we are all entitled to. Remember, the best things in life are never easy to get. We deserve to have everything we need with the person we love, and that person deserves the same.
We need to justify the love we think we are entitled to. And, we need to be worthy of love, we need to work on improving ourselves every day, and we will get what we deserve.