Category Archives for "Psychological Facts"

Is Heyoka The Most Powerful Type of Empath?

Why Is Heyoka The Most Powerful Type Of Empath

An Empath is an individual who is able to understand the emotional state of people. Empaths have traits such as aversion to big groups, low threshold for stimulation, sensitivity to smell, light, sound, and need for alone time. Moreover, the Empaths are mostly introverts, although they can be extroverts. They love quiet environments, nature, and […]

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6 Parenting Tips To Raise ‘Good’ Kids

Parenting Tips To Raise ‘Good’ Kids (according to Harvard psychologists)

Nowadays, the times are very different than they were before. We can clearly see how advanced we are in comparison to our ancestors. An obvious example is the way our children are growing up. Those days when the kids were playing outside till the late evening are now in the past. Today, our kids are […]

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Is it Normal to Have Intrusive Thoughts?

Is it Normal to Have Intrusive Thoughts

Is it normal to feel anger, fear, or despair? Is it normal to fantasize and be obsessed? Is someone in our family drinking too much? When does sadness turn into depression? What is the meaning of those thoughts about the wife of a best friend? Here, in thе article, we are going to provide answers […]

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Hair-Pulling and Nail Biting May Affect Our Life More Than We Think

Hair-Pulling and Nail Biting Affect Our Life More Than We Think

A lot of people are not familiar with the term called body-focused repetitive behaviors or BFRBs? It involves activities like nail-biting, hair pulling, mirror checking, and skin picking. In other words, repeated actions linked to one’s physical appearance, or, damaging their body. These activities can interfere with one’s life – at home, work, school, and […]

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