Category Archives for "Alternative News"

10 Uses of Listerine That are Really Helpful

10 Other Uses Of Listerine, #3 Is Really Helpful!

Listerine was invented in 1879. It was used as a surgical antiseptic for many purposes. Back in the 1970s, Listerine was represented as a mouthwash that fights bad breath. So, besides being used as a mouthwash, it can be used for many other purposes. In the article, we offer other surprising uses of Listerine. 1. […]

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3 Clever Ways to Deal with Manipulators

3 Clever Ways to Deal with Manipulators

Psychological manipulation is an ambiguous and loaded term. But how many people really understand it? The term refers to the gaslighting, lying, distorting, and dominating emotionally controlling behavior. That behavior is common for people who have hard but close relationships. The manipulators might be our children, parents, or our partners. How to know when you […]

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Is Wearing Reading Glasses a Sign of an Exceptional Intelligence?

People Who Wear Reading Glasses Are More Intelligent, According To Science

Anyone wearing glasses? Well, here’s an interesting fact about people who wear reading glasses. According to one research, they are exceptionally intelligent. In fact, the University of Edinburgh conducted a study in which the researchers analyzed genetic data of above 44,480 individuals. They revealed that people who were more intelligent were about 30% more likely […]

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Why Arrogant People Are Usually Successful in Life?

Why Arrogant People Are Usually Successful in Life

When it comes to arrogant people, the fact is that no one really likes them. But what does the term “arrogance” really mean? It is said that the term arrogance means exaggerated self-importance and firm belief in superiority. These things are manifested with presumptuous and excessive claims. Surely, you know at least one arrogant individual. […]

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If He Has These 5 Habits, Don’t Marry Him

If He Has These 5 Habits, Don't Marry Him

Choosing a life partner is probably the most important decision in life. If we marry someone who is the complete opposite of what we need in a partner, then we will be struggling. Just imagine being married to someone who believes we are not worthy and disrespects us. It is the worst thing ever. So, […]

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