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A Complete List of Low-Carb Foods We Can Eat

A Complete List of Low-Carb Foods We Can Eat

We should forget about sugary foods, bread, or pasta when eating low-carb foods. In other words, it is foods low in carbohydrates. Instead of carbs, we get healthy fats, protein, and vegetables. Sounds delicious and healthy, right? The thing is, many people believe that there is only one type of low-carb diet. Of course, that […]

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How Much Apple Cider Vinegar a Day Can Help Us Get Fitter

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar a Day Can Help You Lose Weight

What is it about apple cider vinegar that’s causing such a stir? It seems everyone loves it, from ordinary people to celebrities. One of the major reasons for its recent surge in popularity is its ability to boost weight loss. The production process involves two fermentations of apple cider, resulting in tart vinegar abundant in […]

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Why People Should Make Their Body Alkaline?

The pH balance in the body is essential for our overall health. The alkaline environment is excellent for the immunologic, enzymatic, and repair mechanisms. The pH of the blood is regulated in a few ways. Carbon dioxide is mildly acidic, but the changes in breathing regulate its levels. For example, when we exercise, the body […]

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How Dark is Our Soul, Based on Our Zodiac

Your Zodiac Reveals How Dark Is Your Soul

Some people are going through life by seeing everything positively. They see beauty during the most miserable times, and they are always armed with hope. However, we all have a dark side. Instead of rainbows, we see rain clouds. Our dark soul does not let us feel joy, and sometimes we like that. Anyway, our […]

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Forgetfulness Could Be a Sign of Intelligence?

Forgetfulness Could Be a Sign of Intelligence?

Some people forget things that some people think are worth remembering. Also, our brain agrees that it is unnecessary to know everything. Since always, remembering has been the most powerful of the mental features. But, scientists from the University of Toronto, Canada, believe that forgetting is likewise important. One paper which was published in Neuron […]

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